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Dear Moms, Let Us Live Our Dash!

Updated: Jan 27

Embrace and make the most of your own "dash" in life.

People say that our lives are like a timeline, with our birth and death marked by dates. But what truly matters is the dash in between. It symbolizes our entire existence, the moments we're privileged to live, and the legacy we leave behind. For us, fellow moms, our dash is intertwined with the love, sacrifices, and joys of motherhood.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to get swept away by responsibilities. But I urge you to pause, reflect, and consciously make every moment count. Let’s embrace the present with our children, for they are growing and evolving fast before our eyes. Let us cherish the giggles, bedtime stories, and small everyday moments that warm our hearts.

In a world that often glorifies busyness, remember that it's not about how much we accomplish but how deeply we connect. Let’s take the time to listen, truly see our children, and understand their hopes, dreams, and fears. Let us nurture a bond built on love, trust, and open communication. Doing so creates a safe space where our children can thrive, knowing they are unconditionally cherished.

Dear Moms, let us live your dash by being fully present. Let us put down our phones, turn off the distractions, and engage in meaningful conversations and activities with our children. Be curious, ask questions, and savor life's simple pleasures together. Whether exploring nature, baking cookies, or sharing laughter during a game night, let's turn these moments into cherished memories that will shape our children's lives forever.

Remember, living our dash isn't about striving for perfection but about being genuine. We can embrace the imperfections, the messy moments, and the lessons learned along the way. Our honesty and willingness to be real with our children will build trust and acceptance, showing them that they can confide in us when they make mistakes. We're here to support them, pray for them, and guide them to become the individuals that God intended them to be.

And let's not forget to take care of ourselves. Let's carve out time for self-care, pursue our passions, and cultivate a support system that uplifts and encourages us. Let's prioritize our well-being so we become even stronger pillars of love and support for our children and our partners.

In life, our role as a mother is profound and irreplaceable. That's why our love must be grounded in the love of God. When we understand that we have a heavenly Father who loves us without conditions and that He alone can satisfy our hearts, it becomes easier to care for others as an overflow of that love.

So, dear moms, let us live our dash with intention and purpose. Embrace every moment as an opportunity to create lasting memories with the people around us. One precious moment at a time.


Journaling Prompts

Here are some journaling prompts inspired by this blog about "living your dash":

1.   Reflecting on Your Dash: Take a moment to consider the concept of your own "dash" – the time between your birth and potential end date. How do you want to make the most of this precious time? What are your aspirations for the moments in your dash?

2.   Cherished Moments: Recall a recent moment with your family or loved ones that brought you immense joy. Describe it in detail and reflect on why it was special. How can you create more such moments in your life?

3.   Quality vs. Quantity: Reflect on a time when you prioritized quality time with your loved ones over a busy schedule. How did it make you feel, and what impact did it have on your relationships? How can you continue to prioritize quality moments?

4.   Embracing Imperfections: Share a personal experience where you embraced imperfections and authenticity in your life. How did this vulnerability enhance your connection with others? What did you learn from that experience?

5.   Self-Care and Balance: Think about the ways in which you take care of yourself as a mother or caregiver. How can you incorporate more self-care into your daily routine to ensure you're nurturing your own well-being while taking care of your family?

6.   Legacy and Impact: Consider the legacy you wish to leave behind for your children or future generations. What values, memories, or life lessons do you hope to pass on? How can you actively work toward this legacy?

7.   Moments of Gratitude: Write down three things you are grateful for today, no matter how small or significant. Reflect on why these things bring you joy and how they contribute to your overall happiness.

8.   Unplugging and Presence: Describe a time when you consciously disconnected from digital distractions and fully engaged with your family or friends. How did this experience impact your relationships and your well-being?

9.   Prioritizing Passion: Think about a personal passion or interest you've set aside due to busyness or responsibilities. How can you carve out time to pursue this passion and make it a meaningful part of your life?

10.   Advice to Your Future Self: Imagine writing a letter to your future self, sharing advice on how to live life to the fullest and making every moment count. What wisdom would you impart, and what goals or aspirations would you encourage your future self to pursue?

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